2/66 Commonage Rd Dunsborough
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2/66 Commonage Rd Dunsborough
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Pool Heating Solutions
Installing a swimming pool is a big investment, and many of our customers find that they can only use their pool for a few months of the year before the water temperature is too cold. If you are interested in getting a quote to install an Electric Pool Heater in your pool, we can help. There are a few steps involved in getting a quote.
Step 1. Complete this form on EvoHeat's website. It will not take long, and you will receive a comprehensive report on the best heating option for your swimming pool. Please remember to mention Dunsborough Pool and Spa as your pool shop - this way, we will also get a copy of your report and will be ready to assist you if you wish to proceed with heating your pool.
Step 2. When you have chosen which of EvoHeat's Heaters is right for you, we will then need to meet with you at your pool to have a look at where the heater can be installed and what pipework will be required. We will then be able to give you a quote for the installation of the Heat Pump.
Step 3. Once you have approved your quotes to supply and install the Pool Heater, we will order it in for you and should have it installed for you within a couple of weeks.